NMSI invests in Carbon Offset Programme

NMSI has reached a major milestone in its ESG strategy following two years of data capture and analysis by its ESG team headed by Dr Gordon Mudge. 

NMSI is now well on the way to achieving its carbon offset ambitions and proud to have become carbon neutral in its customer facing UK operations, including all its business travel. As an initial step in becoming net-zero, NMSI has invested in a carbon offset portfolio with Ecologi that includes carbon removal projects. 

Commenting on the achievement, Gordon Mudge observed:

“It will be harder to decarbonise some parts of our operations than others in the timeframes we have achieved so far. The infrastructure and investment required for data capture within the supply chain in Africa will take longer to evolve, meaning it will take more time and effort to abate carbon emissions than we have been able to achieve in the UK.”

This first step has resulted in the offsetting of a total of 436 tons of CO2e, representing 100% of its 2021 footprint (all certified by Gold Standard or VCS).

“NMSI will continue to invest in a diverse carbon reduction portfolio and to support emission reductions and innovative carbon removal projects to help support critical global climate goals,” said Matt Jordan, Managing Director.

NMSI’s carbon offset partner, Ecologi, is a leading project developer and climate solutions provider. The portfolio includes multiple projects that offset or remove carbon through funding of carbon offset projects and tree planting around the world. Ecologi’s reforestation projects have so far involved the planting of 28+ million responsibly planted trees. 

Ben Lyons