NMS in the Media

NMSI participated in several conferences during November with Fred Hsu chairing a panel at TXF Global 2021, moderated by Mark Norris, Partner, Sullivan & Worcester. The plenary panel session: In the face of adversity: Financing Cote d’Ivoire hospitals in the height of the pandemic was delivered by Frederik Hsu, Chairman; Chris Bonnett, Projects Director EMEA, GE Healthcare; Ankit Khandelwal, Director, Africa, MUFG Bank; and Ed Harkins, Managing Director, GKB Ventures.

TXF Global 2021, Madrid

NMSI Head of BD, Nicholas Oliver, spoke on a panel at GTR Africa 2021 on Sovereign debt concerns: can the social infrastructure deal pipeline be financed sustainably? moderated by Gabby Buck, Managing Director, GKB Ventures and comprising Inal Henry, Head of Structuring, Corporate & Investment Banking, Rand Merchant Bank; Sam Evans, Director, BPL Global; and Brad Parks, Executive Director, AidData.

GTR Africa 2021, London

An ITN filming crew visited Nakachenje Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia on behalf of UK Export Finance and BExA to promote the value of British Exports in Africa. 

The film crew captured the fully-operational NMSI-built hospital and interviewed local people to discuss how they have benefitted from the new facility, with a focus on pre-natal and post-natal care. Interviews with patients, nurses and doctors were conducted to highlight how state-of-the-art equipment is being deployed to overcome previous challenges that the community faced in obtaining high-quality healthcare.

Exporting Britain’ airs on 7th December 2021.

ITN productions 2021

Nicholas Oliver and Ed Harkins, Managing Director, GKB Ventures, participated in ITN Productions’ feature on British exports to Africa. Click here to view: Video1 / Video 2

Ben Lyons