NMS Infrastructure has constructed five 80-bed District Hospitals and 111 20-bed Mini Hospitals in Zambia. The district hospitals are located in Ndola, Kitwe, Mambwe, Nchelenge and Kazembe. The mini hospitals are spread throughout the country, often in remote, off-grid locations.
District hospitals
The innovative design of the 80-Bed Hospital was formulated following discussion with the Zambian Ministry of Health to ascertain clear uses and aspirations, translating into a healthcare campus specific to needs.
The overall design layout comprises a central ‘Main Clinical Hub Building’ with a series of satellite buildings around it, connected via verandas and covered walkways. The modular form is designed to allow for expansion or reconfiguration, whilst a holistic approach balances the needs of clinical care with the wider therapeutic needs of the community. Each hospital has been adapted to suit the unique typography and geographical conditions of its location by a world class team of experts from the UK and Zambia.
Key Facilities Include:
- In-patients Wards - Maternity Ward
- Intensive Care Unit - Pharmacy
- Accident and Emergency Ward - Laboratory
- Paediatric Ward - Kitchen and Laundry
- Dental and Radiology Units - Staff Accommodation
Buildings are arranged to allow:
Open spaces to meet the minimum distances between rows of buildings and adequate space for landscaping;
Future expansion;
Air movement through the Hospital; and
Movement of personnel and equipment in the most efficient manner
mini hospitals
The Mini Hospitals are central to the delivery of local healthcare, as they form important hubs providing a range of localised healthcare services for people in areas throughout the country. They provide a one stop facility for primary health care services, with more complicated health problems being referred on to District Hospitals. To ensure that each Mini Hospital meets the needs of its community, the following services have been provided:
•Clinical Services: In-Patient Wards / Maternity and Delivery Suite
•Ambulatory Care Services: Outpatient Department / ART Clinic
•Para Clinical Services: Laundry and Linen / Materials and Stores / Plant Engineering and Maintenance