
What we do

Applying lessons learned from many years’ experience, we design, build and help finance transformational social projects in Africa that unlock potential to impact people’s lives. Our teams develop systems, designs, engineering, procurement, logistics and project management to deliver sustainable requirements-driven solutions.



Healthcare is a critical component in the sustainable development of African economies. Access to healthcare services can reduce the prevalence of diseases, increase life expectancy, reduce poverty, improve maternal and child health and increase economic growth. NMSI provides a full design/build and equip service for the development of locally appropriate healthcare facilities.


NMSI provides a variety of infrastructure solutions across its various programmes, while also having the ability to delivery standalone projects in areas such as: renewable power, water and wastewater solutions, industrial parks, defence infrastructure and transport.

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Environmental & Social Impact

NMSI employs its own in-house environmental and social management team, with chartered environmental status and strong experience of liaison between funding institutions and regulatory bodies. NMSI embraces ESG principles and always works towards positive sustainable development outcomes, aiming to leave a legacy that all stakeholders will be proud of.  

Affordable Housing

Affordable, quality housing is essential for rural development in Africa. Improving living conditions through the provisions of safe and healthy living environments can lift individuals out of poverty who are living in substandard housing conditions with inadequate sanitation and no access to basic amenities. NMSI can build a range of single- and multi-storey affordable housing units and equip them if necessary.


NMSI provides a full design, build and equip service for the development of transformational sustainable agriculture solutions that assist with localised economic growth and prosperity. The agricultural industry is critical to the prosperity of all nations in Africa and is considered the largest sector for employment, as well as an important source of domestic and foreign revenue and economic growth in rural areas.

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Water & Sanitation

NMSI offers design, construct, operate services in the delivery of clean water and waste water management. Working with a team of leading consultants and design engineers, NMSI can assist with all aspects from design specifications, scoping of works to full operational requirements.